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时间: 2024-09-21 01:05:25



1. The prisoner was confined to a small cell for 23 hours a day.

- 囚犯被限制在一个小牢房里,每天23小时。

2. The debate was confined to the issues of economic policy and did not touch on other topics.

- 这次辩论仅限于经济政策的问题,没有涉及其他话题。

3. Her role in the company was confined to administrative tasks.

- 她在公司的角色仅限于行政任务。

4. We had to confine our discussion to the main points due to time constraints.

- 由于时间限制,我们必须将讨论局限于主要观点。

5. The patient was confined to bed rest after the surgery.

- 手术后,病人必须卧床休息。

6. The fire was confined to the basement thanks to the quick action of the firefighters.

- 多亏了消防员的迅速行动,火灾仅限于地下室。

7. Her research interests are confined to medieval history.

- 她的研究兴趣仅限于中世纪历史。

8. The storm's impact was confined to the coastal regions.

- 风暴的影响仅限于沿海地区。

9. His anger was confined to a few harsh words.

- 他的愤怒仅限于几句严厉的话语。

10. The new regulations are confined to the financial sector.

- 新规定仅限于金融行业。

11. The zoo aims to confine its animals to habitats that mimic their natural environments.

- 动物园旨在将动物限制在模拟其自然环境的栖息地中。

12. The experiment was confined to testing the effectiveness of the new drug.

- 实验仅限于测试新药的效果。

13. Their friendship was confined to casual meetings and online chats.

- 他们的友谊仅限于随意的见面和在线聊天。

14. The team's efforts were confined to the local community, rather than international projects.

- 团队的努力仅限于本地社区,而非国际项目。

15. The use of the facility is confined to members of the club.

- 这个设施的使用仅限于俱乐部的会员。

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