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时间: 2024-09-20 05:20:56


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "affliction" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She bore her illness with great dignity, refusing to let her affliction define her. (她以极大的尊严忍受着疾病,拒绝让病痛成为她的定义。)

2. Poverty is an affliction that affects millions worldwide. (贫困是影响全球数百万人的灾难。)

3. His affliction with arthritis made it difficult for him to walk. (他患有关节炎,使他难以行走。)

4. The country has faced numerous afflictions throughout its history. (这个国家在其历史上面临过许多灾难。)

5. Addiction can be an affliction that destroys lives. (成瘾可以是毁掉生命的灾难。)

6. The affliction of loneliness can be profound, especially in old age. (孤独的折磨可能尤为深刻,特别是在老年时期。)

7. He sought solace in religion to cope with his afflictions. (他求助于宗教来应对他的苦难。)

8. Mental afflictions such as depression require professional help. (像抑郁症这样的心理疾病需要专业帮助。)

9. The affliction of war left deep scars on the country's psyche. (战争的灾难在这个国家的心灵上留下了深深的伤痕。)

10. Despite her afflictions, she maintained a positive outlook on life. (尽管她身患疾病,她依然对生活保持着积极的态度。)

11. Poverty is an affliction that can perpetuate through generations. (贫困是一种可以代代相传的灾难。)

12. He used his art as a means to express the depths of human affliction. (他利用艺术表达人类苦难的深度。)

13. The affliction of drought led to widespread famine in the region. (干旱的灾难导致了该地区的普遍饥荒。)

14. Overcoming personal afflictions can lead to significant personal growth. (克服个人困境可以带来显著的个人成长。)

15. The affliction of injustice spurred them to fight for equal rights. (不公正的折磨激励他们为平等权利而战。)

Hope these examples help clarify the usage of "affliction" in various contexts!

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