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时间: 2024-09-19 11:37:41


1. The company's bureaucracy made it difficult for new ideas to be implemented.


2. The bureaucracy of the government slowed down the process of getting approval for the project.


3. The bureaucracy of the school system made it hard for teachers to make necessary changes in the curriculum.


4. The bureaucracy in the healthcare system can be frustrating for patients and doctors alike.


5. The company's bureaucracy led to inefficiency and a lack of innovation.


6. The bureaucracy in the immigration process can be overwhelming for newcomers to the country.


7. The bureaucracy of the legal system can make it difficult for individuals to navigate their way through the courts.


8. The bureaucracy of the city government made it hard for small businesses to get the permits they needed.


9. The bureaucracy of the military can be frustrating for soldiers who just want to get their job done.


10. The bureaucracy of the university made it difficult for students to get the help they needed.


11. 政府的官僚体系使得新政策的实施变得非常困难。

12. 公司的官僚主义导致了决策的迟缓和效率的下降。

13. 教育体系中的官僚主义限制了教师和学生的创新和发展。

14. 医疗保健体系中的官僚主义导致了就医流程的复杂化和低效率。

15. 这个组织的官僚作风让员工感到沮丧和无助。

16. 官僚主义使得政府的运作效率大大降低。

17. 这个行业的官僚主义让新公司难以进入市场。

18. 公共服务部门的官僚主义导致了公民的投诉和不满。

19. 官僚主义使得项目的进度缓慢,无法及时完成。

20. 组织内部的官僚主义限制了员工的创造力和自由发展。

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