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时间: 2024-09-20 12:55:19



1. The documentary provided an informative overview of ancient civilizations. (这部纪录片提供了古代文明的详尽概述。)

2. Her presentation was clear, concise, and highly informative. (她的演讲清晰、简洁,内容非常丰富。)

3. The museum exhibit was both visually stunning and informative. (博物馆的展品既视觉上令人震撼,又富有信息性。)

4. The article offered informative insights into the latest technological advancements. (这篇文章提供了对最新技术进展的深入见解。)

5. The guidebook is filled with informative tips for travelers. (这本指南充满了旅行者们的实用小贴士。)

6. The seminar was highly informative, covering a wide range of topics. (这次研讨会信息量大,涵盖了广泛的话题。)

7. The report was dense with informative data graphs. (这份报告中充斥着信息丰富的数据图表。)

8. The professor's lecture was not only informative but also engaging. (教授的讲座不仅内容充实,而且引人入胜。)

9. The website provides informative articles on health and wellness. (这个网站提供了关于健康和健康生活的信息丰富的文章。)

10. The book is an informative guide to understanding cultural differences. (这本书是理解文化差异的信息丰富指南。)

11. The documentary series aims to be both entertaining and informative. (这个纪录片系列旨在既有趣又有教育意义。)

12. The training session was highly informative for new employees. (这次培训对新员工来说非常有启发性。)

13. The brochure provides informative details about local attractions. (这本小册子提供了当地景点的详细信息。)

14. The research paper was praised for its informative analysis of social trends. (这篇研究论文因其对社会趋势的深入分析而受到赞扬。)

15. The documentary film was informative, shedding light on environmental issues. (这部纪录片信息量大,揭示了环境问题。)


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