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时间: 2024-09-20 14:48:52



1. The uniformity of the company's branding across all its products creates a strong identity.

- 公司的品牌在所有产品上的一致性创造了强大的品牌认同感。

2. The uniformity in the design of the new office building makes it blend seamlessly with the surrounding structures.

- 新办公楼设计的一致性使其与周围建筑无缝融合。

3. The teacher appreciated the uniformity in students' essays, which made grading easier.

- 老师欣赏学生作文中的一致性,这使得评分更容易。

4. Uniformity in manufacturing processes helps ensure that each product meets quality standards.

- 生产过程中的一致性有助于确保每个产品符合质量标准。

5. The uniformity of the fabric's texture across the entire roll is essential for garment production.

- 整卷布料纹理的一致性对于服装生产至关重要。

6. Despite the uniformity of the office decor, each employee has personalized their workspace.

- 尽管办公室装饰的一致性很强,每个员工仍然对自己的工作空间进行了个性化布置。

7. The uniformity in temperature control across all rooms ensures a comfortable environment.

- 所有房间温控的一致性确保了舒适的环境。

8. The lack of uniformity in the dataset makes it difficult to analyze the results accurately.

- 数据集中缺乏一致性使得准确分析结果变得困难。

9. Uniformity in the color of the paint job provides a polished and professional look.

- 涂料颜色的一致性提供了光滑且专业的外观。

10. The factory's uniformity in product assembly helps maintain consistency in quality.

- 工厂在产品组装中的一致性有助于保持质量的一致性。

11. Uniformity in the curriculum across schools helps ensure that all students receive a similar level of education.

- 学校课程的一致性有助于确保所有学生接受类似水平的教育。

12. The uniformity of the legal regulations across states simplifies compliance for businesses.

- 各州法律法规的一致性简化了企业的合规流程。

13. The artist's work exhibits a uniformity in style that is easily recognizable.

- 这位艺术家的作品展现了一种容易识别的风格一致性。

14. Uniformity in the packaging of products ensures that they are easily identifiable on the shelf.

- 产品包装的一致性确保它们在货架上容易被识别。

15. The uniformity of the team’s approach to problem-solving enhances their overall effectiveness.

- 团队在解决问题方法上的一致性提高了整体效率。


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