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时间: 2024-09-20 01:01:31


1. The company has seen a decrease in profits over the past year.


2. We need to decrease our spending in order to save money.


3. The doctor advised the patient to decrease their intake of salt.


4. There has been a decrease in the number of students attending the school.


5. The decrease in temperature has caused the plants to wilt.


6. The government is implementing measures to decrease pollution levels.


7. The decrease in demand for the product led to layoffs at the factory.


8. The company is looking for ways to decrease production costs.


9. The decrease in crime rates has been attributed to increased police presence.


10. The decrease in rainfall has affected the local farmers' crops.


11. We need to decrease the amount of waste we produce in order to protect the environment.


12. The decrease in funding has forced the organization to cut back on services.


13. The decrease in population has led to a decline in the number of businesses in the area.


14. The government is working to decrease the unemployment rate through job creation programs.


15. The decrease in sales has prompted the company to reevaluate its marketing strategy.


16. The decrease in air quality has raised concerns about public health.


17. The decrease in oil prices has had a positive impact on the economy.


18. The decrease in available resources has made it difficult for the community to meet its needs.


19. The decrease in support from donors has affected the organization's ability to carry out its programs.


20. The decrease in interest rates has made it more affordable for people to borrow money.


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