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时间: 2024-09-20 08:55:02



1. He is a staunch adherent of traditional values. (他是传统价值观的坚定拥护者。)

2. The organization gained many adherents after the successful campaign. (在成功的运动后,该组织获得了许多追随者。)

3. She remained a loyal adherent to the cause throughout her life. (她一生都是该事业的忠实拥护者。)

4. The policy has its adherents and its critics. (这项政策有其支持者和批评者。)

5. He became an adherent of Buddhism later in life. (他晚年成为了佛教的信徒。)

6. Despite the setbacks, he remained a steadfast adherent of the project. (尽管遭遇挫折,他依然是该项目的坚定支持者。)

7. The party has gained many adherents in recent months. (这个党派最近几个月来获得了许多追随者。)

8. She is an ardent adherent of environmental conservation. (她是环保运动的热情支持者。)

9. Over time, the theory gained adherents among scholars. (随着时间的推移,这一理论在学者中获得了支持者。)

10. The philosophy has its adherents in various countries. (这种哲学在各国有其信徒。)

11. He remained a devoted adherent to the teachings of his mentor. (他一直忠实于他导师的教导。)

12. The group attracted new adherents with its inclusive message. (该团体通过其包容的信息吸引了新的信徒。)

13. She became an adherent of a strict fitness regimen. (她成为了一个严格健身计划的追随者。)

14. The movement has seen a rise in adherents in recent years. (这一运动近年来看到了信徒数量的增加。)

15. He was an early adherent of the new technology. (他是这项新技术的早期拥护者。)


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