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时间: 2024-09-20 11:14:38


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "adhesion," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The adhesion of the tape to the surface was strong, ensuring the package stayed sealed. (胶带与表面的粘附力很强,确保包装被封闭。)

2. Adhesion between the tiles and the wall was poor, causing them to fall off easily. (瓷砖与墙面之间的粘附力很差,容易掉落。)

3. The adhesion of the label to the jar was so strong that it couldn't be removed without tearing. (标签与罐子的粘附力非常强,不能不撕裂就无法移除。)

4. Proper surface preparation improves the adhesion of paint to the walls. (正确的表面处理能够提高油漆与墙面的粘附力。)

5. The adhesive was specifically designed for maximum adhesion in humid conditions. (这种胶粘剂专门设计用于在潮湿条件下获得最大的粘附力。)

6. Adhesion of barnacles to the ship's hull can significantly increase drag. (海藤对船体的粘附会显著增加阻力。)

7. The surgeon checked the adhesion of the bandage to ensure it wouldn't come loose. (外科医生检查绷带的粘附力,以确保不会松动。)

8. The adhesion of the dental crown to the tooth was perfect after the procedure. (牙齿上的牙冠在手术后的粘附非常好。)

9. Adhesion failure in aerospace materials can have catastrophic consequences. (航空航天材料的粘附失效可能会造成灾难性后果。)

10. The adhesion of stamps to an envelope is crucial for safe mailing. (邮票与信封的粘附对安全邮寄至关重要。)

11. Researchers are studying the adhesion properties of gecko feet for potential applications in robotics. (研究人员正在研究壁虎脚的粘附性能,以探索在机器人技术中的潜在应用。)

12. The adhesion of pollutants to microplastics can transport toxins throughout aquatic ecosystems. (污染物对微塑料的粘附能够在水生态系统中传播毒素。)

13. Adhesion of the new wallpaper was excellent, with no bubbles or peeling edges. (新壁纸的粘附力非常好,没有气泡或起皱的边缘。)

14. The adhesion of the tapestry to the castle walls has lasted for centuries. (挂毯与城堡墙壁的粘附已经持续了几个世纪。)

15. Surface roughness affects the adhesion strength of materials bonded with epoxy. (表面粗糙度会影响与环氧树脂粘接的材料的粘附强度。)

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