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时间: 2024-09-19 17:26:53



1. The professor's ideas seemed antediluvian in the age of digital technology. (在数字技术时代,教授的观念显得非常陈旧。)

2. The town's infrastructure was crumbling under the weight of antediluvian sewer systems. (城镇的基础设施在上古的下水道系统的重压下岌岌可危。)

3. She found an antediluvian map in the attic, showing lands that no longer existed. (她在阁楼里找到了一张上古地图,显示出已不存在的土地。)

4. His antediluvian views on gender roles were met with disbelief by the younger generation. (他对性别角色的上古观念让年轻一代感到难以置信。)

5. The museum displayed antediluvian artifacts dating back thousands of years. (博物馆展示了数千年前的上古文物。)

6. The building's heating system was so antediluvian that it barely kept the rooms warm. (建筑的供暖系统如此陈旧,几乎无法保持房间温暖。)

7. The novel was set in an antediluvian world where magic and mythical creatures roamed freely. (小说设定在一个上古的世界中,魔法和神秘生物自由漫步。)

8. Her grandmother's antediluvian recipes were passed down through generations. (她祖母的上古食谱代代相传。)

9. The antediluvian laws of the kingdom were finally being revised to reflect modern values. (王国的上古法律终于在更新以反映现代价值观。)

10. The philosopher's theories were considered antediluvian by his contemporaries but are now hailed as visionary. (这位哲学家的理论在他的同时代被认为是上古的,但现在被誉为有远见的。)

11. The antediluvian car struggled to keep up with modern traffic. (这辆上古的汽车很难跟上现代交通的步伐。)

12. In the age of space travel, his insistence on using a typewriter seemed positively antediluvian. (在太空旅行的时代,他坚持使用打字机显得非常陈旧。)

13. The antediluvian architecture of the castle fascinated tourists from around the world. (城堡的上古建筑风格吸引了来自世界各地的游客。)

14. The antediluvian manuscript was discovered in a forgotten library, shedding light on ancient customs. (这份上古手稿在一座被遗忘的图书馆中被发现,揭示了古代的习俗。)

15. His antediluvian sense of fashion clashed with the modern aesthetic of the fashion show. (他上古的时尚感与时装秀的现代美学产生了冲突。)


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