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时间: 2024-09-21 12:49:17


"Acrolect" 是一个语言学术语,指的是某一语言或方言中的标准化、正式化的语言形式,通常与社会地位较高、教育水平较高的人群相关联。以下是关于"acrolect" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. "In formal settings, he always spoke in the acrolect of his native language."

- 在正式场合,他总是使用自己母语的高级语言形式。

2. "The acrolect of English is typically taught in schools and used in official documents."

- 英语的高级语言形式通常在学校教授,并用于官方文件中。

3. "She learned to switch between the acrolect and basilect depending on the social context."

- 她学会了根据社会语境在高级语言形式和低级语言形式之间切换。

4. "In linguistics, the acrolect represents the prestige form of a language."

- 在语言学中,高级语言形式代表了语言的权威形式。

5. "He preferred using the acrolect when addressing business clients."

- 他更喜欢在与商业客户交流时使用高级语言形式。

6. "The acrolect tends to evolve more slowly compared to colloquial varieties."

- 高级语言形式的演变速度通常比口语变体慢。

7. "In academic writing, authors are expected to maintain the acrolect of their field."

- 在学术写作中,作者们被期望保持自己领域的高级语言形式。

8. "She was praised for her ability to articulate complex ideas in the acrolect of her discipline."

- 她因能够用自己学科的高级语言形式表达复杂思想而受到赞扬。

9. "Understanding the acrolect is crucial for effective communication in professional settings."

- 在专业环境中,理解高级语言形式对有效沟通至关重要。

10. "The acrolect of Mandarin Chinese is based on the Beijing dialect."

- 汉语普通话的高级语言形式基于北京方言。

11. "He spoke in the acrolect of French, reflecting his upbringing in a bilingual household."

- 他用法语的高级语言形式讲话,反映了他在双语家庭中的成长经历。

12. "Teachers often model the acrolect to students as a standard to aspire to."

- 教师经常以高级语言形式为学生树立榜样,作为一个追求的标准。

13. "The acrolect of Spanish varies across different regions."

- 西班牙语的高级语言形式在不同地区有所不同。

14. "Using the acrolect can sometimes create a barrier between speakers of different socio-economic backgrounds."

- 使用高级语言形式有时会在不同社会经济背景的说话者之间造成障碍。

15. "He adjusted his speech to match the acrolect expected in formal ceremonies."

- 他调整了自己的语言以符合正式仪式中预期的高级语言形式。


上一个 【英语】idiolect的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】legible的例句




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