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时间: 2024-09-21 10:36:33



1. Please write more clearly so that your notes are legible to everyone. (请写得更清楚一些,这样大家都能看清楚你的笔记。)

2. The instructions were not legible due to the smudged ink. (由于墨水晕开了,说明书上的文字看不清楚。)

3. His handwriting is so neat that it's always legible. (他的字写得很工整,总是能被看清楚。)

4. The sign was not legible in the dim light. (在昏暗的灯光下,标志不够清晰可读。)

5. It's important for prescriptions to be legible to avoid errors in medication. (处方必须清晰可读,以避免药物用量出现错误。)

6. She rewrote the address to make it more legible. (她重写了地址,以便更容易识别。)

7. The contract must be signed in legible handwriting. (合同必须用清晰的手写签署。)

8. The faded print on the old map was barely legible. (老地图上褪色的字迹几乎看不清楚。)

9. The lettering on the monument was still legible after centuries of weathering. (雕塑上的字迹经过几个世纪的风吹雨打仍然清晰可见。)

10. Please fill out the form in legible block letters. (请用清晰的大写字母填写表格。)

11. The numbers on the scoreboard were not legible from our seats. (我们的位置看不清分数牌上的数字。)

12. The label was illegible after being soaked in water. (标签被水浸湿后已经看不清了。)

13. Students are encouraged to write their exams in legible handwriting. (鼓励学生用清晰的手写完成考试。)

14. The instructions were printed in a font that was barely legible. (说明书上印的字体几乎看不清。)

15. The artist signed his name in a bold, legible script. (艺术家用粗体的清晰字迹签署了自己的名字。)


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