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时间: 2024-09-21 07:56:25


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "illegible" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The handwriting on the note was so illegible that I couldn't read a single word.

- 那张便条上的字迹太潦草了,我一个字也看不清楚。

2. The label had become faded and illegible over time.

- 标签随着时间的推移变得模糊不清,无法辨认了。

3. His doctor's prescription was almost illegible, so he had to ask the pharmacist to decipher it.

- 他的医生处方几乎是一片模糊,所以他不得不请药剂师解读。

4. The old manuscript was so worn that parts of it had become illegible.

- 那份古老的手稿已经磨损到有些部分看不清楚了。

5. The numbers on the price tag were illegible due to the ink smudge.

- 由于墨迹晕染,价格标签上的数字无法辨认。

6. The print in the book was so small and crowded that it was practically illegible.

- 书中的印刷字体又小又密集,几乎看不清楚。

7. The writing on the whiteboard was illegible from the back of the classroom.

- 白板上的字迹从教室后排看去看不清楚。

8. After being left out in the rain, the address on the envelope became illegible.

- 信封上的地址被雨水浸湿后变得模糊不清。

9. Due to the poor quality of the photocopy, the text was completely illegible.

- 由于复印质量差,文本完全看不清楚。

10. His signature was illegible, causing problems when trying to authenticate the document.

- 他的签名难以辨认,在验证文件时造成了问题。

11. The handwriting in the ancient manuscript was so archaic that it appeared illegible at first glance.

- 古代手稿中的字迹如此古老,乍一看看起来看不懂。

12. The printout was illegible because the printer was running out of ink.

- 打印出来的文档因为打印机墨水不足而难以辨认。

13. Due to his nervousness, his handwriting was so shaky that it became illegible.

- 由于紧张,他的字写得颤抖不止,变得看不清楚了。

14. The notes he took during the lecture were illegible, making it difficult for him to study later.

- 他在讲座期间记下的笔记字迹潦草,后来他很难复习。

15. The writing on the old map had faded over time, rendering some locations illegible.

- 古地图上的字迹随着时间的流逝而褪色,使得一些地点变得看不清楚。


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