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时间: 2024-09-20 06:40:58


Certainly! "Lithiasis" refers to the formation of stones in the body. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. Renal lithiasis can cause intense pain and discomfort.

- 肾结石会引起剧烈的疼痛和不适。

2. Gallbladder lithiasis may require surgical intervention in severe cases.

- 胆囊结石在严重情况下可能需要手术干预。

3. The patient underwent lithotripsy to break down the bladder stones.

- 患者接受碎石术以分解膀胱结石。

4. Biliary lithiasis is characterized by the presence of stones in the bile ducts.

- 胆道结石的特征是胆管内有结石存在。

5. The doctor recommended increasing fluid intake to prevent lithiasis recurrence.

- 医生建议增加液体摄入量以预防结石复发。

6. Pancreatic lithiasis can lead to inflammation of the pancreas.

- 胰腺结石会导致胰腺炎症。

7. He suffers from cystic lithiasis, which affects his kidneys periodically.

- 他患有囊性结石,定期影响他的肾脏。

8. Urethral lithiasis can obstruct the flow of urine and cause pain during urination.

- 尿道结石会阻碍尿液流动,并在排尿时引起疼痛。

9. The prevalence of lithiasis increases with age and certain dietary habits.

- 结石的患病率随着年龄和某些饮食习惯的变化而增加。

10. Bilateral renal lithiasis requires careful management to avoid complications.

- 双侧肾结石需要仔细管理以避免并发症。

11. Dietary changes are often recommended to prevent lithiasis formation.

- 经常建议进行饮食改变以预防结石形成。

12. Cholecystectomy is a common treatment for chronic gallbladder lithiasis.

- 胆囊切除术是慢性胆囊结石的常见治疗方法。

13. Patients with lithiasis should avoid high-oxalate foods to reduce stone formation.

- 患有结石的患者应避免高草酸盐食物以减少结石的形成。

14. Hepatic lithiasis can affect liver function if left untreated.

- 如不治疗,肝结石会影响肝功能。

15. Preventing lithiasis recurrence involves regular check-ups and lifestyle adjustments.

- 预防结石复发包括定期检查和生活方式调整。


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