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时间: 2024-09-19 17:21:07


当我们谈论“transmigration”,通常指的是灵魂或精神在不同生命体之间的转移或转世。这个词在英语中比较罕见,更常见的是“reincarnation”(转世)或“transmigration of souls”(灵魂的转世)。


1. The ancient belief in transmigration posits that souls move from one body to another after death.(古代对于灵魂转世的信仰认为,灵魂在死后会从一个身体转移到另一个身体。)

2. The philosopher discussed transmigration as a means of spiritual evolution across lifetimes.(哲学家讨论了灵魂转世作为跨越多个生命的精神进化的手段。)

3. In some cultures, transmigration is considered a process of karmic redemption.(在某些文化中,灵魂转世被认为是一种因果报应的过程。)

4. The novel's plot revolves around the transmigration of a warrior's spirit into a modern-day detective.(这部小说的情节围绕一位战士的灵魂转世为现代侦探展开。)

5. According to the doctrine of transmigration, beings can be reborn into different forms based on their actions in previous lives.(根据灵魂转世的教义,生物可以根据前世的行为转世为不同的形态。)

6. Scholars debate the implications of transmigration on notions of identity and consciousness.(学者们就灵魂转世对于身份和意识观念的影响进行辩论。)

7. The concept of transmigration has influenced spiritual beliefs across various civilizations throughout history.(灵魂转世的概念影响了历史上各种文明中的精神信仰。)

8. She explored the idea of transmigration in her poetry, drawing parallels between human and animal souls.(她在诗歌中探索了灵魂转世的想法,将人类和动物的灵魂进行了类比。)

9. Transmigration offers a perspective on life after death that diverges from traditional religious views.(灵魂转世提供了一种关于死后生活的视角,与传统宗教观点有所不同。)

10. The belief in transmigration continues to be a topic of philosophical inquiry in contemporary thought.(对灵魂转世的信仰在当代思想中继续成为哲学探讨的话题。)

11. Transmigration suggests a cyclical journey of the soul through different incarnations.(灵魂转世暗示了灵魂通过不同化身的循环旅程。)

12. The artist's work often portrays themes of transmigration and rebirth in a metaphorical sense.(艺术家的作品常常在隐喻意义上描绘灵魂转世和重生的主题。)

13. The doctrine of transmigration challenges conventional ideas about the permanence of individual existence.(灵魂转世的教义挑战了关于个体存在永恒性的传统观念。)

14. Some scholars argue that transmigration serves as a moral framework for understanding human actions and consequences.(一些学者认为,灵魂转世作为理解人类行为和后果的道德框架。)

15. The concept of transmigration has been explored in literature, art, and religious texts across different cultures.(灵魂转世的概念在不同文化中的文学、艺术和宗教文本中都有探讨。)


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