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时间: 2024-09-19 17:25:34


1. I want to donate some clothes to the local charity. 我想要把一些衣服捐给当地的慈善机构。

2. She decided to donate money to the orphanage. 她决定给孤儿院捐款。

3. The company regularly donates to various causes. 公司定期向各种慈善事业捐款。

4. We encourage people to donate blood to help those in need. 我们鼓励人们捐血来帮助有需要的人。

5. The wealthy businessman donated a large sum of money to the hospital. 这位富有的商人向医院捐赠了一大笔钱。

6. I always donate my old books to the library. 我总是把旧书捐给图书馆。

7. The foundation is asking for people to donate their time to help with the charity event. 基金会正在呼吁人们捐出时间帮助慈善活动。

8. We are collecting food to donate to the local food bank. 我们正在收集食物,准备捐给当地的食品银行。

9. Many people are willing to donate their organs after they pass away. 许多人愿意在去世后捐献器官。

10. The celebrity donated a large sum of money to the disaster relief fund. 这位名人向灾难救济基金捐赠了一大笔钱。

11. She always donates her time to help those in need. 她总是把自己的时间捐给需要帮助的人。

12. The organization is seeking donations to support their work. 这个组织正在寻求捐款支持他们的工作。

13. Many people choose to donate to animal shelters to help care for abandoned pets. 许多人选择向动物收容所捐款,帮助照顾被遗弃的宠物。

14. The community came together to donate supplies to the homeless shelter. 社区齐心协力向无家可归者收容所捐赠物资。

15. He decided to donate his inheritance to a children's charity. 他决定把他的遗产捐给儿童慈善机构。

16. The school is asking parents to donate books for the new library. 学校要求家长们捐赠书籍给新图书馆。

17. The organization relies on donations to continue their important work. 这个组织依靠捐款来继续他们的重要工作。

18. She plans to donate a portion of her earnings to a environmental conservation group. 她计划将她收入的一部分捐给环保组织。

19. The company has pledged to donate a percentage of their profits to charity. 公司承诺将利润的一部分捐给慈善事业。

20. We encourage everyone to donate what they can to help those in need. 我们鼓励每个人捐出他们能够的东西来帮助有需要的人。

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