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时间: 2024-09-19 11:47:13


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "mutiny," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The sailors staged a mutiny against the captain's harsh orders.

- 水手们对船长严厉的命令发动了叛变。

2. The soldiers were court-martialed after they were caught planning a mutiny.

- 士兵们被发现策划叛乱后受到了军事法庭的审判。

3. The crew was tired of the captain's incompetence and began to mutiny.

- 船员们厌倦了船长的无能,开始叛乱。

4. The historical mutiny led to a change in leadership aboard the ship.

- 历史上的叛乱导致了船上领导层的更换。

5. The mutiny was quickly quashed by reinforcements from the mainland.

- 叛乱很快被来自大陆的增援部队镇压下来。

6. The mutiny spread throughout the entire battalion within hours.

- 叛乱在几个小时内就蔓延到整个营队。

7. Captain Bligh's voyage became infamous due to the mutiny on the Bounty.

- 布莱船长的航行因“赏金号”事件而声名狼藉。

8. The mutiny was sparked by long-standing grievances among the crew.

- 叛乱是由船员们长期积怨引发的。

9. The mutiny resulted in severe repercussions for the mutineers.

- 叛乱使得叛乱者们遭受到了严重的后果。

10. The mutiny was crushed, and order was restored aboard the ship.

- 叛乱被镇压,船上的秩序得以恢复。

11. The mutiny arose from disagreements over the distribution of supplies.

- 叛乱起因于对供给品分配的分歧。

12. The sailors' mutiny was a desperate attempt to improve their working conditions.

- 水手们的叛乱是为了试图改善他们的工作条件。

13. The mutiny was orchestrated by a small group of dissatisfied officers.

- 叛乱是由一小群不满的军官策划的。

14. The mutiny was thwarted when loyal troops intervened.

- 忠诚的部队介入后,叛乱被挫败了。

15. The mutiny led to a change in policy regarding discipline among the crew.

- 叛乱导致了对船员纪律政策的变更。


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