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时间: 2024-09-19 16:45:03


Certainly! "Notoriety" refers to being well-known for something negative or undesirable. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. His scandalous behavior earned him notoriety in the press. (他骇人听闻的行为使他声名狼藉。)

2. The criminal gained notoriety for his daring bank robberies. (那个罪犯因大胆的银行抢劫而声名狼藉。)

3. The company achieved notoriety due to its unethical business practices. (该公司因其不道德的商业行为而声名狼藉。)

4. The artist's controversial painting quickly gained notoriety in the art world. (那位艺术家具有争议的画作迅速在艺术界中声名鹊起。)

5. The politician's notoriety made it difficult for him to gain public trust. (那位政治家的名声臭名远扬,这使得他很难赢得公众的信任。)

6. The gang leader's notoriety struck fear into the hearts of local residents. (那个黑帮头目的名声让当地居民闻风丧胆。)

7. Despite her notoriety, she continued to defend her actions. (尽管她声名狼藉,她仍然坚持为自己的行为辩护。)

8. The hotel gained notoriety after a series of health code violations. (这家酒店因一系列卫生条例违规事件而声名狼藉。)

9. The criminal's notoriety preceded him wherever he went. (无论他走到哪里,罪犯的恶名都在先。)

10. The singer's notoriety overshadowed her musical talent. (这位歌手的恶名掩盖了她的音乐才华。)

11. The company's notoriety damaged its brand reputation irreparably. (公司的声名狼藉给其品牌声誉造成了无法弥补的损害。)

12. The actor's notoriety for being difficult on set was well-known in Hollywood. (这位演员在片场表现难以相处的恶名在好莱坞广为人知。)

13. The scandal brought notoriety to everyone involved. (这起丑闻给所有涉及者带来了臭名昭著。)

14. Her notoriety in the fashion industry stemmed from her controversial designs. (她在时尚界的名声狼藉源于她具有争议性的设计。)

15. The politician's notoriety overshadowed his accomplishments in office. (那位政治家的恶名掩盖了他在任期间的成就。)


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