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时间: 2024-09-19 11:44:51


1. She starred in a comic operatta that delighted audiences with its witty dialogue and catchy tunes. (她主演了一部轻歌剧,以其机智的对话和动听的曲调让观众欢乐不已。)

2. The operatta was a blend of romance and humor, set in a charming European village. (这部轻歌剧融合了浪漫与幽默,背景设定在一个迷人的欧洲小村庄。)

3. The operatta's plot revolves around mistaken identities and comedic misunderstandings. (这部轻歌剧的情节围绕着身份错认和喜剧误会展开。)

4. We enjoyed a delightful evening at the theater watching a lively operatta. (我们在剧院度过了一个愉快的晚上,观赏了一部生动的轻歌剧。)

5. The operatta's music was composed by a talented local musician. (这部轻歌剧的音乐是由一位才华横溢的本地音乐家创作的。)

6. The performers rehearsed tirelessly to perfect their roles in the operatta. (演员们不知疲倦地排练,以完美表演他们在轻歌剧中的角色。)

7. The operatta’s libretto was filled with witty dialogue and memorable lyrics. (轻歌剧的歌词充满了机智的对白和令人难忘的歌词。)

8. The operatta concluded with a joyful ensemble number that had the audience clapping along. (轻歌剧以一个欢乐的合唱结束,观众们一起鼓掌。)

9. The operatta’s colorful costumes added to the festive atmosphere of the performance. (轻歌剧的丰富服装增添了表演的节日氛围。)

10. The operatta’s staging was elaborate, with intricate set designs and clever use of props. (轻歌剧的舞台布景精心制作,设定设计复杂,道具运用巧妙。)

11. The operatta was a hit, drawing large crowds to each performance. (这部轻歌剧大获成功,每场演出都吸引了大批观众。)

12. The operatta’s director infused the production with humor and charm. (轻歌剧的导演为制作注入了幽默和魅力。)

13. The operatta’s lead soprano captivated the audience with her stunning vocal performance. (轻歌剧的女主唱以她惊人的声乐表演征服了观众。)

14. The operatta’s storyline was a lighthearted romp through a series of comedic situations. (轻歌剧的故事情节轻松愉快,讲述了一系列喜剧情境。)

15. The operatta’s premiere was eagerly anticipated by fans of musical theater. (轻歌剧的首演受到音乐剧迷们的热切期待。)



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