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时间: 2024-09-19 11:45:43


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations for "psychopath":

1. He exhibited the traits of a psychopath, showing no remorse for his actions. (他展现出精神病患者的特征,对自己的行为毫无悔意。)

2. The psychopath's lack of empathy made it difficult for others to relate to him. (精神病患者缺乏同情心,使得他与他人的关系很难建立。)

3. Despite his charming demeanor, he was later revealed to be a dangerous psychopath. (尽管他风度翩翩,后来他被揭露为一个危险的精神病患者。)

4. The detective was tasked with profiling the psychopath responsible for the series of murders. (侦探被派去为一连串谋杀案负责的精神病患者进行人物分析。)

5. She was afraid to confront the psychopath who had been stalking her for months. (她害怕面对那个多月来一直在跟踪她的精神病患者。)

6. His erratic behavior puzzled his friends until they realized he might be a psychopath. (他的反常行为让他的朋友们感到困惑,直到他们意识到他可能是个精神病患者。)

7. The psychologist studied the psychopath's brain scans to understand his neurological differences. (心理学家研究了精神病患者的脑部扫描图,以了解他的神经学差异。)

8. It's challenging to rehabilitate a psychopath due to their resistance to change. (由于他们不愿改变,要改造一个精神病患者是很具有挑战性的。)

9. The movie depicted a chilling portrayal of a psychopath's inner thoughts. (这部电影生动地描绘了一个精神病患者内心想法的可怕画面。)

10. The psychopath's manipulation skills allowed him to deceive even the most skeptical individuals. (精神病患者的操纵技巧使他能够欺骗甚至最为怀疑的人。)

11. The jury deliberated on whether the defendant's actions were that of a psychopath or a result of temporary insanity. (陪审团就被告的行为是精神病患者的行为,还是暂时的疯狂行为进行了研究。)

12. His psychopathic tendencies became apparent during his adolescence. (他的精神病患者特征在他的青春期变得显然。)

13. The psychopath's charm masked his underlying malevolence. (精神病患者的魅力掩盖了他内在的恶意。)

14. Psychopaths can mimic emotions without actually feeling them. (精神病患者可以模仿情感,而实际上并不真正体验这些情感。)

15. Understanding the psychopath's thought processes requires a deep dive into abnormal psychology. (理解精神病患者的思维过程需要深入研究异常心理学。)


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