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时间: 2024-09-19 11:41:46


“Pendant” 是一个多义词,可以用来表示不同的事物。下面是15个包含“pendant”的例句及其中文解释:

1. She wore a beautiful diamond pendant around her neck.

- 她脖子上戴着一枚漂亮的钻石吊坠。

2. The pendant on his necklace was shaped like a star.

- 他项链上的吊坠呈星星形状。

3. The pendant lamp in the kitchen gives off a warm glow.

- 厨房里的吊灯散发出温暖的光芒。

4. He gave her a gold pendant for their anniversary.

- 他在他们的周年纪念日送给她一个金质吊坠。

5. The artist designed a unique pendant featuring abstract patterns.

- 这位艺术家设计了一个独特的吊坠,展现了抽象的图案。

6. The pendant on the bracelet was engraved with her initials.

- 手链上的吊坠上刻有她的名字首字母。

7. She adjusted the pendant on her chain so it would sit properly.

- 她调整了链子上的吊坠,以便它能挂得更稳当。

8. This pendant is a symbol of good luck in many cultures.

- 这个吊坠在许多文化中是好运的象征。

9. The pendant was a family heirloom passed down through generations.

- 这个吊坠是代代相传的家族传家宝。

10. The new pendant design incorporates elements of nature.

- 新的吊坠设计融入了自然元素。

11. She wore a silver pendant in the shape of a heart.

- 她戴着一个银色的心形吊坠。

12. The pendant was lost, but she was hopeful it would be found.

- 吊坠丢了,但她希望它能被找回来。

13. He gave her a pendant with a locket that contained a tiny photo.

- 他送给她一个带有小照片的吊坠。

14. The pendant of the chandelier added elegance to the room.

- 吊灯的吊坠为房间增添了优雅的气氛。

15. The pendant was designed to reflect light and create a dazzling effect.

- 吊坠的设计使光线反射,产生了迷人的效果。


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