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时间: 2024-09-19 11:46:29


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese translations for the word "appendage":

1. The crab's claws are powerful appendages used for catching prey. (螃蟹的爪子是用来捕捉猎物的强大附肢。)

2. The spaceship's solar panels are essential appendages for generating power. (宇宙飞船的太阳能电池板是发电的重要附属装置。)

3. The octopus uses its tentacles, which are appendages, to grasp objects. (章鱼用它的触手,也就是附肢,来抓住物体。)

4. Insects often have antennae as sensory appendages. (昆虫通常有触角作为感觉附肢。)

5. The wings of birds are specialized appendages for flight. (鸟类的翅膀是专门用来飞行的附肢。)

6. The robot's arms are versatile appendages capable of performing various tasks. (机器人的手臂是多功能附肢,能够执行各种任务。)

7. Whales have vestigial appendages that were once legs in their evolutionary history. (鲸鱼有残留的附肢,它们在进化历史上曾经是腿。)

8. The appendages on the caterpillar help it cling to leaves securely. (毛毛虫身上的附肢帮助它牢固地粘在叶片上。)

9. Some lizards can detach their tails, which are appendages, to escape predators. (一些蜥蜴可以脱落它们的尾巴,也就是附肢,来逃避捕食者。)

10. The spider uses its spinnerets, specialized appendages, to produce silk. (蜘蛛用它的丝腺,这些特殊的附肢,来制造蜘蛛丝。)

11. The surgeon carefully removed the diseased appendage to prevent further infection. (外科医生小心地切除了患病的附肢,以防止进一步感染。)

12. Starfish have multiple arms as their primary appendages for movement and feeding. (海星有多条臂膀作为它们主要的运动和进食附肢。)

13. The beetle uses its mandibles, strong appendages, to chew through wood. (甲壳虫用它的大颚,强壮的附肢,来啃食木头。)

14. The spider monkey uses its prehensile tail, an appendage, to grasp tree branches. (蛛猴利用其可抓握的尾巴,一种附肢,来抓住树枝。)

15. In medical terms, an appendix is a small, tubular appendage attached to the cecum of the large intestine. (在医学上,阑尾是附着在大肠盲肠上的一个小型管状附肢。)


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