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时间: 2024-09-19 11:45:24


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "appetite" along with their Chinese translations:

1. His appetite for knowledge is insatiable.

- 他对知识的渴望无法满足。

2. After a day of hiking, her appetite was voracious.

- 经过一天的徒步旅行,她的食欲非常旺盛。

3. The restaurant caters to appetites of all sizes.

- 这家餐馆迎合各种食欲。

4. Reading a good book always whets my appetite for more.

- 阅读一本好书总是让我更加渴望更多。

5. The spicy aroma of the food sparked his appetite.

- 那道菜的香味勾起了他的食欲。

6. She has a healthy appetite for success.

- 她对成功有着健康的渴望。

7. Despite the heat, their appetite for exploration remained strong.

- 尽管天气很热,他们对探险的兴趣仍然很浓厚。

8. Depression can sometimes suppress appetite.

- 抑郁有时会抑制食欲。

9. The appetizer was so delicious that it whetted our appetites for the main course.

- 开胃菜如此美味,让我们更期待主菜。

10. His appetite for risk-taking led him to pursue extreme sports.

- 他对冒险的渴望导致他追求极限运动。

11. A long walk in the fresh air usually gives me an appetite.

- 在新鲜空气中长时间散步通常会让我觉得饿了。

12. The medicine she took increased her appetite.

- 她服用的药物增加了她的食欲。

13. Their appetite for justice fueled their activism.

- 他们对正义的渴望推动了他们的活动。

14. The long-awaited vacation gave them an appetite for adventure.

- 期待已久的假期让他们对冒险充满了兴趣。

15. The children's appetites vary widely depending on the meal.

- 孩子们的食欲根据不同的餐点有很大差异。


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