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时间: 2024-09-21 00:16:35



1. The discovery of penicillin gave an impetus to the field of medicine. (青霉素的发现推动了医学领域。)

2. The new tax incentives provided the impetus for investment in renewable energy. (新的税收激励措施促使了可再生能源投资。)

3. The economic downturn provided the impetus for restructuring the company. (经济衰退促使公司进行重组。)

4. The success of their first product gave them the impetus to expand into new markets. (第一款产品的成功激励了他们进军新市场。)

5. The government's infrastructure projects are expected to provide an impetus to economic growth. (政府的基础设施项目预计将推动经济增长。)

6. The impetus for the research came from recent advances in technology. (研究的动力来自于科技的最新进展。)

7. The impetus behind his decision was a desire for personal growth. (他做出这个决定的动力是对个人成长的渴望。)

8. The impetus for the change in policy was public outcry. (政策变化的动力来自公众的强烈抗议。)

9. The impetus to improve efficiency came from competition in the market. (提高效率的动力来自市场竞争。)

10. The impetus for her career change was a desire for more meaningful work. (她改变职业的动力是希望从事更有意义的工作。)

11. The impetus to start his own business came from dissatisfaction with corporate culture. (创办自己企业的动力来自对企业文化的不满。)

12. Environmental concerns have provided the impetus for developing cleaner technologies. (环境问题为开发清洁技术提供了动力。)

13. The impetus for the educational reform was falling student performance. (教育改革的动力来自学生表现的下降。)

14. The impetus to finish the project on time came from strict deadlines. (按时完成项目的动力来自严格的截止日期。)

15. The impetus for their reconciliation was a shared desire for peace. (他们和解的动力是共同对和平的渴望。)


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