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时间: 2024-09-21 00:04:24



1. She made an impetuous decision to quit her job without considering the consequences. (她冲动地决定辞去工作,没有考虑后果。)

2. His impetuous behavior often led to arguments with his colleagues. (他冲动的行为经常导致与同事的争吵。)

3. The impetuous young man rushed into the burning building to save the trapped child. (那位冲动的年轻人冲进着火的建筑物,去救出被困的孩子。)

4. She regretted her impetuous purchase when she saw a better deal the next day. (第二天看到更好的优惠时,她后悔自己的冲动购买。)

5. His impetuous nature often got him into trouble at school. (他冲动的性格经常在学校惹上麻烦。)

6. The impetuous crowd surged forward as soon as the gates were opened. (一打开大门,冲动的人群就涌向前去。)

7. She was known for her impetuous speeches, which sometimes offended people. (她因冲动的演讲而出名,有时会冒犯人们。)

8. His impetuous driving caused him to crash into the guardrail. (他冲动的驾驶导致他撞上了护栏。)

9. Despite his impetuous personality, he was well-liked by his friends. (尽管他性格冲动,但他很受朋友喜爱。)

10. The impetuous wind tore branches from the trees. (冲动的风把树枝吹落了。)

11. She impulsively said yes to the proposal, driven by an impetuous desire for adventure. (她冲动地答应了求婚,被一种冲动的冒险欲望驱使。)

12. His impetuous outburst of anger shocked everyone in the room. (他冲动的愤怒爆发震惊了房间里的每个人。)

13. They blamed their impetuous decision-making for the project's failure. (他们将项目失败归咎于他们冲动的决策。)

14. The impetuous waves crashed against the rocks with tremendous force. (冲动的海浪以巨大的力量撞击着岩石。)

15. Despite his impetuous actions, he always managed to learn from his mistakes. (尽管他行动冲动,但他总是设法从错误中吸取教训。)


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