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时间: 2024-09-19 17:39:19


Certainly! "Depositary" refers to someone or something entrusted with holding something valuable or important. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The bank acted as the depositary for the family's savings. (银行充当了这个家庭储蓄的保管人。)

2. The museum serves as the depositary of many priceless artifacts. (博物馆是许多无价文物的保管处。)

3. He appointed his lawyer as the depositary of his will. (他指定他的律师为他遗嘱的保管人。)

4. The UN is the depositary of the Geneva Conventions. (联合国是《日内瓦公约》的保管机构。)

5. The bank serves as the depositary for the company's funds. (这家银行是公司资金的保管人。)

6. She entrusted her jewelry to a safe depositary. (她把珠宝寄存在保险箱里。)

7. The government acted as the depositary for the country's historical archives. (政府充当了国家历史档案的保管机构。)

8. The lawyer acted as the depositary of the client's confidential information. (律师担任客户机密信息的保管人。)

9. The library is the depositary of rare manuscripts. (这个图书馆是珍贵手稿的保管处。)

10. The company appointed a reputable bank as the depositary of its pension funds. (公司委托一家声誉良好的银行管理其养老基金。)

11. The university library is a depositary of academic journals. (大学图书馆是学术期刊的保管机构。)

12. The art gallery serves as the depositary for the artist's entire collection. (艺术画廊是这位艺术家整个收藏的保管处。)

13. The church acts as the depositary for centuries-old religious manuscripts. (这座教堂是几个世纪前宗教手稿的保管机构。)

14. The embassy is the depositary of the international treaties signed by the country. (使馆是该国签署的国际条约的保管机构。)

15. The company designated a third-party institution as the depositary for investor funds. (公司指定了第三方机构作为投资者资金的保管人。)


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