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时间: 2024-09-18 11:10:38


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "derange" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The loud noise began to derange her concentration, making it difficult to focus on her work. (大声噪音开始干扰她的注意力,使她很难集中精力工作。)

2. The sudden change in schedule completely deranged our plans for the weekend. (突如其来的时间表变更彻底打乱了我们周末的计划。)

3. His obsession with cleanliness sometimes seemed to derange his thoughts. (他对清洁的过度执着有时似乎会扰乱他的思绪。)

4. The traumatic experience had deranged his mental state for years. (这次创伤经历让他的精神状态紊乱了好几年。)

5. The medication had unintended side effects that deranged his sleep patterns. (药物有意想不到的副作用,扰乱了他的睡眠模式。)

6. The unexpected guest deranged their carefully planned dinner party. (意外的客人打乱了他们精心安排的晚宴。)

7. Extreme stress can derange even the most composed individuals. (极端的压力会使最冷静的人也感到不安。)

8. The financial crisis severely deranged the company's budget projections. (金融危机严重打乱了公司的预算预测。)

9. The constant interruptions began to derange his train of thought. (持续不断的打扰开始干扰他的思维链条。)

10. The wild storm deranged the landscape, leaving destruction in its wake. (狂暴的风暴扰乱了景观,留下了毁坏的痕迹。)

11. His fever deranged his sense of time, making hours feel like minutes. (他的发烧扰乱了他对时间的感知,让小时感觉像分钟。)

12. The misinformation campaign aimed to derange public opinion. (这场误导性的宣传活动旨在扰乱公众舆论。)

13. The complicated instructions deranged him, causing him to make mistakes. (复杂的说明让他感到困惑,导致他犯错。)

14. Her unexpected resignation deranged the team's plans for the upcoming project. (她突然的辞职打乱了团队对即将到来的项目的计划。)

15. The political scandal deranged the country's stability and confidence in its leadership. (政治丑闻扰乱了国家的稳定和对领导层的信心。)


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