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时间: 2024-09-20 06:45:12


当然,请看以下关于 "rapacious" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The company's rapacious pursuit of profit led to unethical business practices. (公司对利润的贪婪追求导致了不道德的商业行为。)

2. The landlord was known for his rapacious greed, often raising rents far beyond reason. (这位房东以其贪婪著称,经常将房租提高到远远超出合理范围。)

3. The politician's rapacious appetite for power knew no bounds. (这位政治家对权力的贪婪没有任何约束。)

4. The corporation's rapacious expansion into fragile ecosystems raised environmental concerns. (这家公司对脆弱生态系统的贪婪扩张引发了环境担忧。)

5. History is filled with tales of rapacious conquerors who plundered entire cities. (历史上充满了关于贪婪征服者的故事,他们掠夺了整座城市。)

6. He amassed a fortune through rapacious business deals. (他通过贪婪的商业交易积累了一笔财富。)

7. The film portrays a society consumed by rapacious consumerism. (这部电影描绘了一个被贪婪消费主义所吞噬的社会。)

8. Their rapacious ambition to dominate the market drove them to cut corners on safety. (他们对主导市场的贪婪野心使他们在安全方面采取了捷径。)

9. The novel describes the rapacious nature of colonial exploitation. (这本小说描述了殖民剥削的贪婪本质。)

10. The wolf's rapacious hunger drove it to attack the livestock. (狼因贪婪的饥饿袭击了牲畜。)

11. The CEO's rapacious drive for success left little room for ethical considerations. (CEO对成功的贪婪追求几乎没有留下道德考虑的余地。)

12. She had a reputation for being rapacious in her pursuit of academic accolades. (她在追求学术荣誉时以贪婪著称。)

13. The country's economy suffered under the rapacious taxation policies of the regime. (该国经济在政权的贪婪税收政策下遭受重创。)

14. The novel highlights the consequences of rapacious corporate practices on local communities. (这本小说强调了企业贪婪行为对当地社区的影响后果。)

15. The villagers protested against the rapacious logging activities in their forest. (村民们抗议针对他们森林中的贪婪砍伐活动。)

希望这些例句和中文解释能帮助你更好地理解和使用 "rapacious" 这个词汇。

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