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时间: 2024-09-20 02:33:19


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "ravage" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The hurricane ravaged the coastal towns, leaving behind a trail of destruction. (飓风破坏了沿海城镇,留下了一片破坏。)

2. War and conflict continue to ravage the region, displacing thousands of families. (战争和冲突继续摧毁该地区,数千个家庭被迫流离失所。)

3. The forest fire ravaged acres of pristine wilderness. (森林火灾摧毁了大片原始的荒野。)

4. Disease can ravage even the healthiest of populations if left unchecked. (如果不加控制,疾病甚至可以摧毁最健康的人群。)

5. The invading army ravaged the countryside, pillaging villages and farms. (入侵的军队掠夺了乡村,洗劫了村庄和农场。)

6. Economic instability continues to ravage the nation, causing widespread poverty. (经济不稳定继续摧毁这个国家,导致广泛的贫困。)

7. Invasive species can ravage local ecosystems, disrupting delicate balances. (入侵物种可能破坏当地的生态系统,破坏细微的平衡。)

8. The storm ravaged the ship, leaving it barely seaworthy. (风暴摧毁了船只,使其几乎无法下海。)

9. The rioters ravaged the city center, smashing windows and looting stores. (暴乱者摧毁了市中心,砸碎窗户并洗劫商店。)

10. A plague of locusts can ravage crops, leading to widespread famine. (蝗灾可能摧毁庄稼,导致广泛的饥荒。)

11. Years of neglect have ravaged the historic building, leaving it in a state of disrepair. (多年的忽视已经摧毁了这座历史建筑,使其破败不堪。)

12. Corruption continues to ravage the government, undermining public trust. (腐败继续破坏政府,动摇公众信任。)

13. Climate change could ravage entire ecosystems if decisive action isn't taken. (如果不采取果断措施,气候变化可能摧毁整个生态系统。)

14. The disease outbreak ravaged the population, overwhelming hospitals. (疾病爆发使人口大量死亡,医院不堪重负。)

15. Time and neglect have ravaged the once beautiful garden, leaving it overgrown and unkempt. (时间和疏忽已经摧毁了这个曾经美丽的花园,使其长满了杂草,显得荒废不堪。)


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