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时间: 2024-09-18 11:46:02


Certainly! "Prescript" is not a commonly used word in everyday English, but it can refer to something that prescribes or establishes rules or guidelines. Here are 15 example sentences with their Chinese translations:

1. The prescript mandates that all employees wear safety helmets in the construction site. (这项规定要求所有员工在建筑工地上戴安全头盔。)

2. According to the prescript, all applicants must submit their resumes by the deadline. (根据规章制度,所有申请者必须在截止日期前提交简历。)

3. The university's prescript prohibits plagiarism in any form. (该大学的规定禁止任何形式的剽窃。)

4. She followed the prescript meticulously to ensure accuracy. (她严格遵循规定,以确保准确无误。)

5. The prescript of the ancient ritual was faithfully preserved through generations. (古代仪式的规定通过世代传承得到忠实保留。)

6. His actions were in accordance with the prescript laid out by the committee. (他的行动符合委员会制定的规定。)

7. The prescript states that visitors must sign in at the front desk. (规定规定访客必须在前台登记。)

8. The prescript of the contract stipulated strict confidentiality. (合同的规定规定了严格的保密性。)

9. Following the prescript, she double-checked all the entries before submitting the report. (按照规定,她在提交报告前仔细检查了所有条目。)

10. The prescript is clear about the penalties for late submission. (规定对于迟交的处罚是清楚的。)

11. They deviated from the prescript and faced consequences as a result. (他们偏离了规定,因此面临后果。)

12. The prescript of the tradition was written centuries ago. (传统的规定是几个世纪前写的。)

13. Following the prescript ensures uniformity in procedures. (遵循规定确保程序的一致性。)

14. The prescript was established to promote fairness and equality. (规定的制定是为了促进公平和平等。)

15. Employees are expected to adhere to the prescript regarding ethical conduct. (员工应该遵守关于道德行为的规定。)

These sentences illustrate various contexts in which "prescript" can be used to refer to rules, regulations, or guidelines that prescribe certain behaviors or actions.

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