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时间: 2024-09-18 22:29:24


Certainly! "Equidistance" refers to being at an equal distance from two or more points or objects. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The new park is equidistant from both our homes, making it convenient for all of us to meet there. (这个新公园离我们家都是等距离的,对我们大家来说都很方便。)

2. The equidistance of the candles on the table created a symmetric and pleasing arrangement. (桌子上蜡烛的等距离排列创造了对称美观的布局。)

3. The team members positioned themselves equidistantly around the conference table for the meeting. (团队成员在会议桌周围等距离地站好位置准备开会。)

4. The hotel is equidistant from the airport and the city center, which is ideal for travelers. (这家酒店距离机场和市中心等距离,非常适合旅行者。)

5. The equidistance of the shelves on the wall gave the room a balanced appearance. (墙上架子的等距离摆放使得房间显得平衡和谐。)

6. The towns were strategically placed equidistantly along the trade route to facilitate trade. (这些城镇被等距离地沿贸易路线战略性地布置,以促进贸易。)

7. The equidistance of the desks in the classroom ensured every student had an equal amount of space. (教室里桌子的等距离布置确保每个学生都有同等的空间。)

8. The satellite orbits the Earth at an equidistant distance, capturing data uniformly. (卫星以等距离的距离环绕地球运行,均匀地获取数据。)

9. The equidistance between the two rivers created a natural boundary for the national park. (这两条河流之间的等距离形成了国家公园的自然边界。)

10. The equidistance of the apartments from the subway station appealed to urban commuters. (公寓距离地铁站的等距离位置吸引了城市通勤者。)

11. The equidistance of the polling stations ensured fair access for all voters. (投票站的等距离设置确保了所有选民的公平获取。)

12. The equidistance of the wind turbines optimized energy capture across the landscape. (风力发电机的等距离布置优化了在整个景观中的能量捕捉。)

13. The equidistance of the markers along the hiking trail kept hikers on track. (登山步道上标志物的等距离设置让徒步者保持在正确的路径上。)

14. The equidistance of the dots in the painting created a sense of rhythm and movement. (画作中点的等距离排列营造出节奏感和动感。)

15. The equidistance of the speakers around the room ensured uniform sound distribution. (房间四周音响的等距离布置确保了声音的均匀分布。)


上一个 【英语】constancy的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】stateliness的例句




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