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时间: 2024-09-18 11:47:26



1. The meeting seemed interminable, dragging on for hours without a clear conclusion. (会议看起来没完没了,拖了几个小时也没有明确的结论。)

2. After a long and interminable wait, they finally received their food at the restaurant. (经过漫长而没完没了的等待,他们终于在餐厅里拿到了食物。)

3. The road trip became interminable due to constant traffic jams. (由于频繁的交通堵塞,这次公路旅行变得漫长无际。)

4. He gave an interminable speech that tested everyone's patience. (他做了一个漫长无休的演讲,考验了每个人的耐心。)

5. The novel's interminable descriptions of scenery made it difficult to stay engaged. (小说对风景的无尽描写让人难以保持兴趣。)

6. Waiting in the airport terminal felt interminable as flight delays mounted. (在机场候机楼等待感觉像是没完没了,因为航班延误不断。)

7. The debate over the issue was interminable, with neither side willing to compromise. (关于这个问题的辩论毫无休止,双方都不愿妥协。)

8. The child's tantrum seemed interminable to the exhausted parents. (孩子的发脾气对筋疲力尽的父母来说似乎没完没了。)

9. The project dragged on interminably due to budget constraints. (由于预算限制,这个项目拖延不已。)

10. The winter seemed interminable, with snowstorms one after another. (这个冬天似乎没完没了,接连不断地下雪暴。)

11. The construction noise was interminable, disrupting the neighborhood's peace. (建筑噪音不停地持续着,打扰了附近的平静。)

12. Her lecture felt interminable as she covered every minor detail. (她的讲座感觉漫长无比,她讲述了每一个细节。)

13. The negotiations were interminable, stretching over weeks without resolution. (谈判漫长无尽,持续了几个星期也没有解决。)

14. The illness brought an interminable series of doctor visits. (病情导致了一连串没完没了的看医生。)

15. He endured an interminable wait for news of his missing friend. (他忍受着对失踪朋友消息的漫长等待。)


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