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时间: 2024-09-19 17:08:40


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "diversify" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The company plans to diversify its product line to appeal to a broader market. (公司计划多样化其产品线以吸引更广泛的市场。)

2. Investors are advised to diversify their portfolios to reduce risk. (建议投资者多样化其投资组合以降低风险。)

3. The university aims to diversify its student body by attracting more international students. (该大学旨在通过吸引更多的国际学生来多样化其学生群体。)

4. She decided to diversify her investments by putting money into real estate as well as stocks. (她决定通过投资房地产和股票来多样化她的投资。)

5. It's important for ecosystems to diversify their species to enhance resilience to environmental changes. (生态系统多样化物种对增强对环境变化的适应能力至关重要。)

6. The chef is known for his ability to diversify traditional recipes with modern twists. (这位厨师以其将传统食谱与现代创意结合的能力而闻名。)

7. To remain competitive, the company must diversify its marketing strategies. (为保持竞争力,该公司必须多样化其营销策略。)

8. They aim to diversify their workforce by hiring individuals from different cultural backgrounds. (他们希望通过招聘来自不同文化背景的人员来多样化他们的员工队伍。)

9. The government is implementing policies to diversify the country's energy sources. (政府正在实施政策来多样化国家的能源来源。)

10. He decided to diversify his skills by taking courses in both programming and graphic design. (他决定通过学习编程和平面设计两个方面来多样化他的技能。)

11. The artist sought to diversify her artistic style by experimenting with different mediums. (这位艺术家试图通过尝试不同的媒介来多样化她的艺术风格。)

12. The airline plans to diversify its routes by adding flights to new destinations. (这家航空公司计划通过增加飞往新目的地的航班来多样化其航线。)

13. To attract a wider audience, the magazine decided to diversify its content to include topics beyond fashion. (为了吸引更广泛的读者群,这本杂志决定通过包含远超时尚的主题来多样化其内容。)

14. Farmers are encouraged to diversify their crops to mitigate the impact of unpredictable weather patterns. (鼓励农民通过多样化农作物来减轻不可预测天气模式的影响。)

15. The nonprofit organization aims to diversify its funding sources to ensure long-term sustainability. (这家非营利组织旨在通过多样化其资金来源来确保长期可持续性。)


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