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字典(9万条) | GRE | 同义词 | 单词 | 搜汉语

1Abbas Abbas
/ E5bAs /
1. Ferhat (1899–1989), Algerian nationalist leader.President of the provisional government of the Algerian republicfrom 1958, he was appointed first President of independent Algeria in 1962 but fell from favour the following year
• 阿拔斯,费尔哈特(1899—1989,阿尔及利亚民族主义领袖,1958年起任阿尔及利亚临时政府总统,1962 年被任命为独立的阿尔及利亚的首届总统,但次年便失去拥戴)
2Abbasid Abbasid
/ E5bAsid ; 5AbEsid /
1. of or relating to a dynasty of caliphs who ruled in Baghdad from 750 to 1258
• 阿拔斯王朝的(指公元750—1258 年统治巴格达的各哈里发王朝)
1. a member of this dynasty
• 阿拔斯王朝的一员
1. named after Abbas (566–652), the prophet Muhammad's uncle and founder of the dynasty
3abbatial abbatial
/ E5beiFEl /
1. of or relating to an abbey, abbot, or abbess
• (与)修道院长(有关)的,修道院的
1. late 17th cent.: from medieval Latin abbatialis, from abbas, abbat- (see abbot )
4Abbe Abbe
/ 5AbE, 5Abi /
1. Ernst (1840–1905), German physicist,inventor of the apochromatic lens
• 阿贝,恩斯特 (1840—1905,德国物理学家,高度消色差透镜的发明者)
5abbess abbess
/ 5AbIs /
1. a woman who is the head of an abbey of nuns
• 女修道院院长
1. Middle English : from Old French abbesse 'female abbot', from ecclesiastical Latin abbatissa, from abbas, abbat- (see abbot )
6Abbevillian Abbevillian
/ 7Abi5viliEn /
1. [Archaeology, dated] of, relating to, or denoting the first Palaeolithic culture in Europe, now usually referred to as the Lower Acheulian
[考古旧] 阿布维利文化(时期)的(指欧洲旧石器时代初期文化,现在一般称为早期低级的阿舍利文化)
  [as noun the Abbevillian] the Abbevillian culture or period
• 阿布维利文化(或时期)
1. 1930s: from French Abbevillien ‘from Abbeville’, a town in northern France where tools from this culture were discovered
7abbey abbey
(pl. -eys)
1. the building or buildings occupied by a community of monks or nuns
• 修道院
  a church or house that was formerly an abbey
• 曾经是修道院的教堂(或房屋)
1. Middle English : from Old French abbeie, from medieval Latin abbatia 'abbacy', from abbas, abbat- (see abbot )
8abbot abbot
/ 5AbEt /
1. a man who is the head of an abbey of monks
• 男修道院院长
abbotship noun
1. Old English abbod, from ecclesiastical Latin abbas, abbat-, from Greek abbas 'father', from Aramaic 'abbā (see Abba )
9abbreviate abbreviate
/ E5bri:vi:7eIt /
1. [with obj.] ( 一般作 be abbreviated)shorten (a word, phrase, or text)
• 缩写,节略(词,短语,文本)
 »the business of artists and repertoire, commonly abbreviated to A & R.
  负责物色艺术家和组织节目的事务,通常缩写成A & R。
 »[as adj. abbreviated] this book is an abbreviated version of the earlier work.
1. late Middle English : from late Latin abbreviat- 'shortened', from the verb abbreviare, from Latin brevis 'short'
10abbreviation abbreviation
/ E7bri:vi5eiFEn /
1. a shortened form of a word or phrase
• (词或短语的)缩略语
  [mass noun] the process or result of abbreviating something
• 缩略
11abbé abbé
/ 5AbeI /
1. (in France) an abbot or other cleric
• (法国)修道院院长,传教士
1. mid 16th cent.: French, from ecclesiastical Latin abbas, abbat- (see abbot )
/ 7eIbi:5si: /
1. the alphabet
• 字母表
  the rudiments of a subject
• (学科的)入门知识,基础
 »the business had been learning the ABC of its trade.
  an alphabetical guide
• (按字母顺序排列的)指南,一览表
 »an ABC of British Railways locomotives.
(as) easy (或 simple) as ABC
1. extremely easy or straightforward
• 极其容易
for abbreviation
  American Broadcasting Company
• 美国广播公司
  Australian Broadcasting Corporation
• 澳大利亚广播公司
13ABC Islands ABC Islands
1. an acronym for the islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao
• ABC 诸岛(阿鲁巴岛、博内尔岛和库拉索岛的首字母缩略词)
/ 7eIbi:5di: /
[N. Amer.] [北美]
for abbreviation
1. all but dissertation, used to denote a student who has completed all other parts of a doctorate
• (已通过课程考试、尚未完成论文的)准博士
15abdabs abdabs
(也作 habdabs)
[Brit informal] [英, 非正式]
plural noun
1. nervous anxiety or irritation
• 紧张,不安
give someone the screaming abdabs
1. induce an attack of extreme anxiety or irritation in someone
• 让(某人)极度焦急不安
1. 1940s: of unknown origin
16abdicate abdicate
/ 5AbdI7keIt /
1. [no obj.] (of a monarch) renounce one's throne
• (君主)退位
 »in 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated as German emperor.
 »[with obj.] Ferdinand abdicated the throne in favour of the emperor's brother.
  [with obj.] fail to fulfil or undertake (a responsibility or duty)
• 未能承担(责任),渎(职)
 »the government was accused of abdicating its responsibility.
 »[no obj.] the secretary of state should not abdicate from leadership on educational issues.
abdication noun
abdicator noun
1. mid 16th cent.: from Latin abdicat- 'renounced', from the verb abdicare, from ab- 'away,' from + dicare 'declare'
17abdomen abdomen
/ 5AbdEmEn , Ab5dEJmEn /
1. the part of the body of a vertebrate containing the digestive and reproductive organs; the belly. In humans and other mammals it is contained between the diaphragm and the pelvis
• 腹部
  [Zoology] the hinder part of the body of an arthropod, especially the segments of an insect's body behind the thorax
[动] 腹部
abdominal adjective
1. mid 16th cent.: from Latin
18abdominal abdominal
/ Ab5dCmEnEl /
1. [一般作 abdominals] an abdominal muscle
• 腹肌
abdominally adverb
19abducens nerve abducens nerve
/ Ab5dju:s(E)nz /
1. [Anatomy] each of the sixth pair of cranial nerves, supplying the muscles concerned with the lateral movement of the eyeballs
[剖] 外展神经
1. early 19th cent.: abducens (modern Latin 'leading away'), from the Latin verb abducere
20abduct abduct
/ Ab5dQkt /
verb, [with obj.]
1. take (someone) away illegally by force or deception; kidnap
• 劫持,诱拐;绑架
 »the millionaire who disappeared may have been abducted.
2. [Physiology] (of a muscle) move (a limb or part) away from the midline of the body or from another part
[生理] (肌肉)使(肢体,部位)外展。
【OPP】 adduct
1. early 17th cent.: from Latin abduct- 'led away', from the verb abducere, from ab- 'away, from' + ducere 'to lead'




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