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时间: 2024-09-17 13:15:53


1. The castle loomed over the town, a majestic symbol of power and strength.


2. The castle was surrounded by a deep moat, making it nearly impregnable to attack.


3. The royal family resided in the grand castle, surrounded by opulence and luxury.


4. The castle's walls were adorned with intricate carvings and beautiful tapestries.


5. We toured the ancient castle, marveling at its history and architecture.


6. The castle was the setting for many dramatic battles and political intrigue.


7. The castle's dungeons were said to be haunted by the spirits of past prisoners.


8. The castle's drawbridge was lowered to allow visitors to enter the inner courtyard.


9. The castle's turrets provided a commanding view of the surrounding countryside.


10. The castle's great hall was the site of many grand feasts and celebrations.


11. 城堡是一座巍峨的建筑,通常由石头或砖块建成,通常用于防御目的。

12. 城堡是中世纪欧洲的主要建筑,通常是贵族或王室居住的地方。

13. 在城堡里,我们可以看到许多古老的武器和盔甲。

14. 城堡的花园里种满了美丽的鲜花和香草。

15. 这座城堡曾经是一位强大的国王的居所。

16. 城堡的内部装饰充满了豪华和精美的艺术品。

17. 城堡的地下室里保存着许多珍贵的历史文物。

18. 这座城堡的主要入口是由厚重的木门和铁闩构成的。

19. 城堡的墙壁上挂着许多古老的油画和挂毯。

20. 这座城堡在夜晚看起来非常宏伟,灯光照亮了它的壮丽外观。

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