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时间: 2024-09-20 11:28:05



1. His writing style was criticized for its formalism, focusing more on structure than on conveying meaningful ideas.(他的写作风格因形式主义而受到批评,更注重结构而非传达有意义的思想。)

2. The debate over educational methods often boils down to a clash between formalism and creativity.(教育方法的争论常常集中在形式主义与创造力之间的冲突。)

3. Legal formalism insists on strict adherence to procedural rules, sometimes at the expense of justice.(法律形式主义坚持严格遵循程序规则,有时以牺牲正义为代价。)

4. The artist's work was praised for its rejection of formalism in favor of emotional depth and expression.(艺术家的作品因拒绝形式主义而受到赞赏,而是倾向于情感深度和表达。)

5. Economic formalism emphasizes mathematical models over real-world observations in predicting market behavior.(经济形式主义强调数学模型而非真实世界观察,以预测市场行为。)

6. The policy was criticized for its bureaucratic formalism, which hindered efficient decision-making.(这项政策因官僚形式主义而受到批评,这种形式主义阻碍了有效的决策。)

7. In literature, formalism focuses on the internal structure and linguistic devices of a text rather than its historical context.(在文学中,形式主义关注文本的内部结构和语言手段,而不是其历史背景。)

8. Critics argue that scientific formalism sometimes leads researchers to prioritize elegant theories over messy empirical data.(批评者认为,科学形式主义有时会导致研究人员将优雅的理论置于混乱的实证数据之上。)

9. The composer's adherence to musical formalism resulted in compositions that were technically impressive but emotionally distant.(作曲家对音乐形式主义的坚持导致了技术上令人印象深刻但情感上疏远的作品。)

10. Critics of educational formalism argue that standardized testing promotes rote memorization over critical thinking skills.(教育形式主义的批评者认为,标准化测试促进了死记硬背而非批判性思维能力。)

11. Cultural formalism examines artworks in terms of their formal properties rather than their social or political contexts.(文化形式主义从作品的形式属性而非社会或政治背景来审视艺术作品。)

12. His films are known for their rejection of cinematic formalism, opting instead for a raw, documentary style.(他的电影因拒绝电影形式主义而闻名,而是选择了原始的纪录片风格。)

13. The politician's speeches were criticized for their legalistic formalism, lacking emotional appeal to the general public.(这位政治家的演讲因法律形式主义而受到批评,缺乏对普通公众的情感吸引力。)

14. Philosophical formalism posits that mathematics is an autonomous system based on logical deduction.(哲学形式主义认为,数学是基于逻辑推演的自主系统。)

15. The theater director's productions were celebrated for their innovative approach, breaking away from traditional formalism.(戏剧导演的作品因其创新方法而备受赞誉,打破了传统的形式主义。)


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