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时间: 2024-09-17 14:05:49


1. The house was perched on the hillside, offering stunning views of the valley below.


2. We hiked up the steep hillside, panting and out of breath by the time we reached the top.


3. The hillside was covered in wildflowers, creating a colorful and vibrant display.


4. The landslide caused the hillside to collapse, blocking the road below.


5. The hillside vineyard produced some of the finest wines in the region.


6. She loved to sit on the hillside and watch the sunset over the horizon.


7. The hillside was dotted with small cottages, each with its own unique charm.


8. The goats grazed peacefully on the lush hillside, oblivious to the world around them.


9. The hillside was terraced, with each level supporting a different crop.


10. The hillside was shrouded in mist, creating an ethereal and mystical atmosphere.


11. 她喜欢在山坡上散步,享受大自然的宁静。

12. 山坡上的房子因为大雨而被泥石流摧毁了。

13. 这片山坡上的果园在秋天变得格外美丽。

14. 我们在山坡上找到了一个理想的露营地点。

15. 山坡上的小径蜿蜒而上,通向一个古老的修道院。

16. 山坡上的树木在秋天变得金黄色。

17. 他们在山坡上建了一座豪华别墅,享受着壮丽的景色。

18. 山坡上的松树在风中发出沙沙声。

19. 雨后,山坡上的小溪水势更加汹涌。

20. 山坡上的村庄因为泥石流而被迫疏散。

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