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时间: 2024-09-17 13:32:56


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "operable" with Chinese explanations:

1. The doctors determined that the tumor was operable and scheduled surgery. (医生们确定肿瘤可以手术治疗,并安排了手术。)

2. The machinery was inoperable due to a malfunctioning part. (由于零件故障,机器无法操作。)

3. After repairs, the computer system became operable again. (经过修复,计算机系统再次可操作。)

4. The new software update made the application more operable across different platforms. (新软件更新使应用程序在不同平台上更易操作。)

5. The bridge was no longer operable after the severe storm. (大风暴后,这座桥不再能使用。)

6. The factory remained operable despite the economic downturn. (尽管经济低迷,工厂仍然能够运作。)

7. The emergency generator ensured that essential systems remained operable during the power outage. (应急发电机确保停电期间重要系统仍然能够运作。)

8. The airline's new terminal is fully operable and ready for passenger traffic. (航空公司的新航站楼已完全投入使用,随时迎接旅客。)

9. The operable window in the room allowed for fresh air to circulate. (房间里的活动窗户能够让新鲜空气流通。)

10. The security system is designed to remain operable even in extreme weather conditions. (安全系统设计成在极端天气条件下仍能运作。)

11. The decision to make the dam operable again required extensive engineering studies. (决定再次启用大坝需要进行广泛的工程研究。)

12. The operable stage curtains were controlled by a sophisticated mechanism backstage. (活动的舞台幕布由后台的复杂机制控制。)

13. The software update rendered some features operable that were previously disabled. (软件更新使一些之前被禁用的功能恢复了可操作性。)

14. The committee reviewed the project's timeline to ensure it remained operable within the budget constraints. (委员会审查了项目的时间表,确保在预算限制内能够运作。)

15. The operable door in the fire escape allowed people to evacuate safely. (消防逃生通道里的活动门使人们能够安全撤离。)


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