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时间: 2024-09-20 08:09:50


1. Her subjective opinion on the matter was not taken into consideration. (她的主观意见未被考虑。)

2. The movie review was subjective and heavily influenced by the reviewer's personal biases. (这部电影评论是主观的,受评论者个人偏见的影响很大。)

3. It's important to try to be objective rather than subjective when making important decisions. (在做重要决定时,重要的是要尽量客观而非主观。)

4. His subjective interpretation of the painting differed from that of the art critics. (他对这幅画的主观解释与艺术评论家的不同。)

5. The survey results were influenced by the respondents' subjective perceptions. (调查结果受到受访者的主观感知的影响。)

6. She admitted that her judgment was subjective and based on her emotions rather than facts. (她承认她的判断是主观的,基于她的情绪而非事实。)

7. The decision was based on subjective criteria rather than objective analysis. (这个决定是基于主观标准而非客观分析。)

8. The artist's work was criticized for being too subjective and lacking universal appeal. (这位艺术家的作品因为太主观且缺乏普遍吸引力而受到批评。)

9. The disagreement arose from their subjective interpretations of the company's policies. (分歧源于他们对公司政策的主观解释。)

10. His writing style was often criticized for being overly subjective and lacking objectivity. (他的写作风格经常因为过于主观和缺乏客观性而受到批评。)

11. The decision-making process should strive to minimize subjective influences. (决策过程应该努力减少主观影响。)

12. The judge's ruling was criticized for being too subjective and not based on legal principles. (法官的裁决因为太主观且不基于法律原则而受到批评。)

13. The success of the project will depend on minimizing subjective biases in the evaluation process. (项目的成功将取决于在评估过程中减少主观偏见。)

14. The therapist tried to help her recognize and address her subjective perceptions of the situation. (治疗师试图帮助她认识和解决她对情况的主观感知。)

15. The author's writing was praised for its ability to capture the subjective experiences of the characters. (这位作家的写作因为能够捕捉到人物的主观经历而受到赞扬。)

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