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时间: 2024-09-17 13:19:52


1. The timber used in the construction of the house was sustainably sourced from local forests.(这所房子的建筑用木材是从当地森林可持续获取的。)

2. The company specializes in importing high-quality timber from Scandinavia.(这家公司专门从斯堪的纳维亚进口高质量的木材。)

3. The timber industry plays a vital role in the economy of the region.(木材产业在该地区的经济中扮演着至关重要的角色。)

4. The old barn was built with sturdy timber that has lasted for generations.(这个旧谷仓是用坚固的木材建造的,已经持续了好几代人了。)

5. The timber was carefully treated to protect it from rot and decay.(木材经过精心处理,以防止腐烂和腐朽。)

6. The furniture was crafted from reclaimed timber, giving it a rustic and unique look.(这些家具是用回收的木材制作的,使其具有乡村和独特的外观。)

7. The timber beams of the old bridge had to be replaced due to extensive damage.(由于严重损坏,这座古老桥梁的木梁不得不被更换。)

8. The timber harvest was delayed due to unfavorable weather conditions.(由于恶劣的天气条件,木材收割被推迟了。)

9. The cabin was nestled among tall timber, offering a serene and secluded retreat.(小屋坐落在高大的树木之间,提供了一个宁静和隐蔽的避难所。)

10. The timber was carefully seasoned to ensure its stability and strength.(木材经过精心调理,以确保其稳定性和强度。)

11. The timber company faced criticism for its unsustainable logging practices.(这家木材公司因其不可持续的伐木行为受到了批评。)

12. The carpenter skillfully shaped the timber into intricate designs for the custom-made furniture.(木匠巧妙地将木材塑造成精致的设计,用于定制家具。)

13. The timber was transported down the river to the sawmill for processing.(木材被运送到了下游的锯木厂进行加工。)

14. The timber was stacked neatly in the yard, ready to be used for the construction project.(木材被整齐地堆放在院子里,准备用于建筑项目。)

15. The conservation group worked to protect the old-growth timber forests from deforestation.(保护团体致力于保护古老的原始森林,防止其被砍伐。)

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