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时间: 2024-09-17 13:21:17


1. She used a tissue to wipe away her tears. (她用纸巾擦去了眼泪。)

2. The doctor said the tissue sample was not cancerous. (医生说组织样本不是癌症。)

3. He wrapped the fragile item in tissue paper to protect it during shipping. (他用纸巾包裹着易碎物品,以防在运输过程中受损。)

4. The tissue of the plant was delicate and easily damaged. (这种植物的组织很脆弱,容易受损。)

5. She blew her nose into a tissue when she had a cold. (她感冒时用纸巾擦鼻涕。)

6. The tissue under the microscope showed signs of infection. (显微镜下的组织显示出感染的迹象。)

7. The company produces tissue paper and other paper products. (该公司生产纸巾和其他纸制品。)

8. The tissue was examined by the pathologist for any abnormalities. (病理学家检查了组织是否有异常情况。)

9. She carefully wrapped the fragile ornament in tissue before packing it away. (她小心地用纸巾包裹着易碎的装饰品,然后收起来。)

10. The tissue of the fruit was so juicy and sweet. (这种水果的组织非常多汁和甜蜜。)

11. He tore off a piece of tissue to clean up the spill. (他撕下一片纸巾来清理溅出的东西。)

12. The tissue around the wound was inflamed and tender. (伤口周围的组织发炎且很嫩。)

13. She dabbed her lipstick with a tissue after applying it. (她涂完口红后用纸巾轻轻擦拭。)

14. The tissue culture in the laboratory was thriving under the right conditions. (实验室中的细胞培养在适当的条件下蓬勃发展。)

15. The tissue transplant was successful, and the patient's body accepted the new tissue. (组织移植成功了,病人的身体接受了新的组织。)

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