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时间: 2024-09-17 13:20:32


1. Smoking tobacco is harmful to your health and can lead to serious diseases such as lung cancer. 吸烟对健康有害,可能导致严重疾病,如肺癌。

2. The use of tobacco products is prohibited in this public area. 本公共场所禁止使用烟草制品。

3. Many countries have implemented strict regulations on tobacco advertising to reduce its impact on young people. 许多国家已经实施了严格的烟草广告法规,以减少对年轻人的影响。

4. He has been trying to quit tobacco for years, but it's been a difficult journey. 他多年来一直在努力戒烟,但这是一段艰难的旅程。

5. The tobacco industry has been under scrutiny for its marketing tactics targeting vulnerable populations. 烟草行业因其针对弱势人群的营销策略而受到审查。

6. Chewing tobacco is a common habit in some cultures, but it can have serious health consequences. 咀嚼烟草在一些文化中是一种常见习惯,但它可能会带来严重的健康后果。

7. The government has raised taxes on tobacco products in an effort to reduce smoking rates. 政府已经提高了烟草制品的税率,以减少吸烟率。

8. Secondhand smoke from tobacco can also pose health risks to non-smokers. 烟草的二手烟也会对非吸烟者带来健康风险。

9. Tobacco cultivation has been a major source of income for many farmers in this region. 烟草种植一直是该地区许多农民的主要收入来源。

10. The sale of tobacco to minors is illegal in most countries. 大多数国家禁止向未成年人出售烟草。

11. The tobacco leaves are harvested and dried before being processed into cigarettes. 烟草叶子被收获后经过干燥处理,然后制成香烟。

12. He suffered from a tobacco-related illness and had to undergo extensive treatment. 他患有与烟草相关的疾病,必须接受大量治疗。

13. The tobacco industry has been criticized for targeting developing countries with its marketing campaigns. 烟草行业因其针对发展中国家的营销活动而受到批评。

14. The new regulations aim to reduce the accessibility of tobacco products to young people. 新的法规旨在减少年轻人获取烟草制品的途径。

15. Tobacco addiction can be difficult to overcome, but with the right support, it is possible to quit. 烟草成瘾可能很难克服,但在正确的支持下,是有可能戒掉的。

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