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时间: 2024-09-19 11:39:29


1. The townsfolk gathered in the square to celebrate the annual harvest festival.(镇民们聚集在广场上庆祝每年的丰收节。)

2. The townsfolk were excited to hear the news of a new supermarket opening in their small town.(镇民们对他们小镇上即将开业的新超市感到兴奋。)

3. The townsfolk worked together to clean up the park after the storm.(镇民们一起清理了风暴过后的公园。)

4. The townsfolk were proud of their local heritage and traditions.(镇民们为他们的当地传统和文化遗产感到自豪。)

5. The townsfolk were saddened by the closure of the historic theater.(镇民们对历史悠久的剧院关闭感到伤心。)

6. The townsfolk organized a charity event to support a family in need.(镇民们组织了一场慈善活动来支持一个需要帮助的家庭。)

7. The townsfolk welcomed the new mayor with open arms.(镇民们热情欢迎新市长的到来。)

8. The townsfolk were known for their strong sense of community and unity.(镇民以其强烈的社区意识和团结一致而闻名。)

9. The townsfolk came together to rebuild the playground that had been damaged in a fire.(镇民们团结一致重建了被火灾损坏的游乐场。)

10. The townsfolk enjoyed hosting the annual summer fair for tourists and visitors.(镇民们喜欢为游客和访客举办每年一度的夏季集市。)

11. The townsfolk were relieved when the new bridge was finally completed, easing traffic congestion.(当新桥最终建成,缓解了交通拥堵时,镇民们感到宽慰。)

12. The townsfolk were shocked to discover a long-lost treasure buried beneath the old town hall.(镇民们震惊地发现了埋在旧市政厅下面的一批失落已久的宝藏。)

13. The townsfolk were determined to preserve the historic buildings in their town.(镇民们决心保护他们镇上的历史建筑。)

14. The townsfolk eagerly awaited the arrival of the circus, a rare treat for the small town.(镇民们迫不及待地期待马戏团的到来,这对小镇来说是一次难得的享受。)

15. The townsfolk banded together to oppose the construction of a new industrial plant near their town.(镇民们联合起来反对在他们镇附近修建新的工业厂房。)

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