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时间: 2024-09-18 18:47:15


1. She looked at him tristement, knowing that their relationship was over. (她悲伤地看着他,知道他们的关系已经结束了。)

2. Tristement, he realized that he had failed to achieve his dreams. (令人悲伤的是,他意识到自己未能实现梦想。)

3. The old man sat tristement by the window, reminiscing about his youth. (老人悲伤地坐在窗边,回忆他的青春。)

4. She left the party tristement, feeling lonely and misunderstood. (她悲伤地离开了派对,感到孤独和被误解。)

5. Tristement, he watched as his best friend moved away, knowing they may never meet again. (令人悲伤的是,他看着最好的朋友搬走,知道他们可能再也不会见面了。)

6. Tristement, the flowers wilted in the dry summer heat. (令人悲伤的是,鲜花在干燥的夏日里凋谢了。)

7. He spoke tristement of the loss of his beloved pet. (他悲伤地谈到了失去心爱宠物的事情。)

8. Tristement, the once lively town had become a ghost town. (令人悲伤的是,曾经热闹的小镇变成了一个鬼城。)

9. She sighed tristement as she flipped through the old photo album. (她悲伤地叹了口气,翻看着旧照片集。)

10. Tristement, he gazed at the empty chair where his late wife used to sit. (令人悲伤的是,他凝视着他已故妻子曾经坐过的空椅子。)

11. Tristement, she realized that her childhood home had been demolished. (令人悲伤的是,她意识到她的童年家园已经被拆除。)

12. The soldier looked tristement at the war-torn landscape, mourning the destruction. (士兵悲伤地看着战火焚烧的景象,为破坏感到悲痛。)

13. Tristement, the violinist played a haunting melody that touched the audience's hearts. (令人悲伤的是,小提琴手演奏了一曲令人心碎的旋律,触动了观众的心。)

14. She spoke tristement of the passing of her dear friend. (她悲伤地谈到了她亲爱的朋友的离世。)

15. Tristement, the news of the natural disaster spread across the country. (令人悲伤的是,自然灾害的消息传遍了整个国家。)

16. The artist painted a tristement portrait of a woman in mourning. (艺术家画了一幅悲伤的画像,描绘了一个哀悼的女人。)

17. Tristement, the sun set on the horizon, signaling the end of a beautiful day. (令人悲伤的是,太阳在地平线上落下,标志着美好的一天结束了。)

18. She sang tristement, her voice filled with sorrow and longing. (她悲伤地唱着,声音中充满了悲伤和渴望。)

19. Tristement, the old tree was cut down, ending its long life. (令人悲伤的是,这棵古树被砍倒,结束了它漫长的一生。)

20. He looked tristement at the empty space where his childhood home once stood. (他悲伤地看着他童年家园曾经所在的空地。)

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