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时间: 2024-09-18 11:43:54


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "licence" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She applied for a driving licence after passing her test. (她通过考试后申请了驾驶执照。)

2. You need a fishing licence to fish in this lake. (在这个湖里钓鱼需要有钓鱼许可证。)

3. The bar has a licence to sell alcohol until midnight. (这家酒吧有权利在午夜前出售酒精饮料。)

4. He had his gun licence revoked due to safety violations. (因安全违规行为,他的枪支许可证被吊销了。)

5. The company holds a licence to manufacture pharmaceutical products. (这家公司持有制造药品的许可证。)

6. She obtained a teaching licence after completing her education degree. (她完成教育学位后获得了教学许可证。)

7. The restaurant's licence to operate expired last month. (这家餐馆的营业许可证上个月到期了。)

8. You must have a valid hunting licence to hunt deer in this area. (在这个地区打猎鹿必须有有效的狩猎许可证。)

9. He applied for a marriage licence before getting married. (他结婚前申请了结婚许可证。)

10. The contractor has a licence to demolish the old building. (承包商有权拆除这座旧建筑的许可证。)

11. Without a broadcasting licence, the radio station cannot legally operate. (没有广播许可证,电台不能合法运营。)

12. She lost her licence to practice law due to unethical behavior. (由于不道德行为,她失去了执业律师的许可证。)

13. The software requires a valid licence key for activation. (这款软件需要有效的许可密钥进行激活。)

14. He applied for a licence to own a pet monkey. (他申请了养宠物猴子的许可证。)

15. The company holds a licence to operate a chain of retail stores. (这家公司持有运营一系列零售店的许可证。)


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