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时间: 2024-09-19 17:23:11



1. His licentious behavior at the party shocked everyone.(他在派对上放荡不羁的行为让所有人都感到震惊。)

2. The novel depicted a society marked by licentious morals.(这部小说描绘了一个道德放荡的社会。)

3. The king's court was known for its licentiousness.(国王的宫廷以放纵著称。)

4. She was criticized for her licentious lifestyle.(她因其放荡的生活方式而受到批评。)

5. The movie was banned due to its depiction of licentious scenes.(这部电影因描绘放荡场面而被禁。)

6. He was known for his licentious sense of humor.(他以放荡不羁的幽默感而著称。)

7. The city was infamous for its licentious nightlife.(这座城市以其放荡的夜生活闻名。)

8. The artist's paintings often explore themes of licentiousness.(这位艺术家的画作经常探索放纵主题。)

9. The novel criticized the licentious behavior of the upper class.(这部小说批评了上层阶级的放荡行为。)

10. His music lyrics were condemned for promoting licentious attitudes.(他的音乐歌词因推广放纵态度而受到谴责。)

11. The play was controversial due to its portrayal of licentious relationships.(这部戏剧因其对放荡关系的描绘而引发争议。)

12. She was tired of the licentious atmosphere in the city.(她厌倦了城市中的放荡氛围。)

13. The author's novels often delve into the consequences of licentious behavior.(这位作者的小说经常深入探讨放荡行为的后果。)

14. He argued that the novel was a critique of societal licentiousness.(他认为这部小说是对社会放荡的批判。)

15. The politician's career was ruined by rumors of his licentious conduct.(那位政治家因传闻中的放荡行为而声名狼藉。)


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