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时间: 2024-09-18 11:17:05



1. The hotel had a beautiful piscine with a view of the mountains. (这家酒店有一个漂亮的游泳池,可以看到山景。)

2. She enjoys swimming in the hotel's heated piscine. (她喜欢在酒店的加热游泳池里游泳。)

3. The new community center includes a large indoor piscine. (新的社区中心包括一个大型的室内游泳池。)

4. They spent the afternoon lounging by the piscine. (他们整个下午都在游泳池旁悠闲地休息。)

5. The resort features several outdoor piscines for guests to enjoy. (度假村设有几个户外游泳池供客人享用。)

6. A crystal-clear piscine was the centerpiece of the spa. (一个清澈见底的游泳池是水疗中心的中心。)

7. He swam laps in the piscine every morning to stay fit. (他每天早晨在游泳池里游几圈来保持身材。)

8. The children splashed happily in the shallow end of the piscine. (孩子们在游泳池的浅水区开心地玩水。)

9. The luxurious villa had its own private piscine. (这栋豪华别墅有自己的私人游泳池。)

10. The hotel's piscine was surrounded by lush tropical gardens. (酒店的游泳池周围环绕着郁郁葱葱的热带花园。)

11. She relaxed in the jacuzzi connected to the main piscine. (她在连接到主游泳池的按摩浴缸里放松身心。)

12. The community pool was more than just a piscine—it was a gathering place for neighbors. (社区游泳池不仅仅是一个游泳场所,它还是邻居们聚集的地方。)

13. They installed a state-of-the-art filtration system in the new piscine. (他们在新的游泳池里安装了一套最先进的过滤系统。)

14. The resort offers aquatic aerobics classes in its main piscine. (度假村在主游泳池提供水中有氧运动课程。)

15. The Olympic-sized piscine hosted swimming competitions during the summer. (这个奥运规模的游泳池在夏季举办了游泳比赛。)


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