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时间: 2024-09-18 10:55:49


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "replaceable," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The batteries in this remote control are replaceable when they run out of power.

- 这个遥控器的电池用完时可以更换。

2. The software has identified several replaceable components that need upgrading.

- 软件已识别出几个需要升级的可替换部件。

3. The damaged part of the engine was deemed replaceable without needing a complete overhaul.

- 引擎的损坏部件被认为可以更换,而不需要进行全面检修。

4. In many companies, employees are often seen as replaceable, which can affect morale.

- 在许多公司中,员工常被视为可以替换的,这可能会影响士气。

5. This smartphone case has replaceable covers that you can switch out for different colors.

- 这款智能手机壳有可更换的外壳,可以更换不同颜色的。

6. Some argue that no individual is truly replaceable in a close-knit team.

- 有人认为在紧密团队中,没有人是真正可以替代的。

7. The tires on this bicycle are replaceable if they wear out after heavy use.

- 这辆自行车的轮胎在长期使用后可以更换。

8. The policy ensures that any damaged goods are immediately replaceable at no cost to the customer.

- 该政策确保任何损坏的商品可以立即免费更换给顾客。

9. The artist believes each brushstroke is unique and not replaceable in the final composition.

- 艺术家认为每一笔都是独一无二的,在最终的作品中是不可替代的。

10. A good manager knows how to motivate their team without making individuals feel replaceable.

- 优秀的经理知道如何激励团队,而不让个人感觉可以轻易被替代。

11. The broken screen on the tablet is replaceable, but it will take a few days to get the part.

- 平板电脑的屏幕坏了,可以更换,但需要几天时间才能到货。

12. The company policy states that all outdated equipment should be replaced with newer, more efficient models.

- 公司政策规定所有过时设备都应更换为更新、更高效的型号。

13. The car's windshield wipers are easily replaceable and can be done without professional help.

- 这辆车的雨刷很容易更换,不需要专业人士的帮助。

14. The batteries in this toy are not replaceable, so once they die, the toy becomes unusable.

- 这个玩具的电池不可更换,所以一旦电池没电,玩具就无法使用了。

15. The company views training as an investment in employees, making them less replaceable in the long term.

- 公司把培训看作对员工的投资,从长远来看,使他们变得不那么容易被替代。


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