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时间: 2024-09-18 11:40:48


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "lioness" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The lioness led the pride in the hunt for prey. (这只母狮领导狮群捕猎猎物。)

2. The lioness fiercely protected her cubs from any danger. (母狮激烈地保护她的幼崽免受任何危险。)

3. Observers marveled at the agility of the lioness as she chased down her target. (观察者对母狮追捕目标时的灵活性感到惊奇。)

4. A lioness can typically give birth to a litter of two to four cubs. (一只母狮通常会生下两到四只幼崽。)

5. The lioness's powerful jaws easily dispatched the antelope. (母狮强大的下颌轻松击败了羚羊。)

6. Tourists watched in awe as the lioness roared loudly, asserting dominance. (游客们惊叹地看着母狮大声咆哮,显示出统治力。)

7. In the wild, the lioness does most of the hunting for the pride. (在野外,母狮为狮群大部分时间进行狩猎。)

8. The lioness's sleek coat shimmered in the sunlight. (母狮光滑的皮毛在阳光下闪闪发光。)

9. Conservationists are working hard to protect the habitat of the lioness. (保护者们正在努力保护母狮的栖息地。)

10. The lioness exhibited patience as she waited for the perfect moment to strike. (母狮展现出耐心,等待着最佳的进攻时机。)

11. Researchers studied the behavior of the lioness in its natural habitat. (研究人员研究母狮在其自然栖息地中的行为。)

12. The lioness's roar echoed across the savannah, signaling danger to all who heard it. (母狮的吼叫在大草原上回荡,向所有听到它的动物传达了危险信号。)

13. Despite being smaller than the male lion, the lioness is equally formidable in hunting. (尽管比雄狮小,母狮在狩猎中同样令人敬畏。)

14. The lioness and her cubs rested peacefully under the shade of a large acacia tree. (母狮和她的幼崽在一棵大刺槐树的阴凉处安静地休息着。)

15. Wildlife documentaries often feature the life and struggles of the lioness in the African plains. (野生动物纪录片经常展示非洲平原上母狮的生活和挣扎。)


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