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时间: 2024-09-19 17:22:19


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with their Chinese translations for "leopardess":

1. The leopardess stealthily stalked her prey through the tall grass.

- 雌豹悄悄地在高草中追踪猎物。

2. The leopardess gave birth to two cubs in a secluded den.

- 母豹在隐蔽的洞穴里生下了两只幼崽。

3. Researchers observed the leopardess marking her territory with scent glands.

- 研究人员观察到母豹用香腺标记她的领地。

4. The young leopardess learned hunting skills from her mother.

- 年幼的母豹从她母亲那里学会了捕猎技巧。

5. The leopardess elegantly climbed down from the tree after resting.

- 母豹在休息后优雅地从树上爬下来。

6. A solitary leopardess was spotted near the watering hole.

- 发现了一只孤独的母豹靠近水洞。

7. Conservationists are tracking the movements of a radio-collared leopardess.

- 保育人员正在追踪一只佩戴了无线电项圈的母豹的活动。

8. The leopardess fiercely defended her cubs from a rival male.

- 母豹激烈地保护她的幼崽不受一只对手公豹的伤害。

9. Tourists were thrilled to see a leopardess and her cubs in the wild.

- 游客们在野外看到母豹和她的幼崽感到非常兴奋。

10. A skilled tracker could identify the paw prints of a leopardess.

- 一个熟练的追踪者可以识别出母豹的爪印。

11. The leopardess cautiously approached the watering hole to quench her thirst.

- 母豹小心翼翼地靠近水洞解渴。

12. The rare sighting of a melanistic leopardess amazed biologists.

- 罕见的黑豹母豹的发现让生物学家们感到惊讶。

13. Farmers installed lights to deter leopardesses from entering their fields at night.

- 农民安装了灯光,以防止母豹在夜间进入他们的田地。

14. The leopardess skillfully ambushed a herd of antelopes.

- 母豹巧妙地伏击了一群羚羊。

15. Locals spoke of a legendary leopardess that roamed the mountains for years.

- 当地人传说有一只传奇母豹在山间漫游多年。


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