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时间: 2024-09-19 23:01:58


1. The stars were luminous in the night sky.


2. The luminous moon cast a soft glow over the landscape.


3. Her luminous smile lit up the room.


4. The luminous paint on the watch made it easy to read in the dark.


5. The fireflies emitted a luminous light as they danced in the night.


6. The luminous colors of the sunset painted the sky in a breathtaking display.


7. The luminous dial on the clock made it easy to tell the time in the dark.


8. Her eyes were luminous with excitement as she talked about her upcoming trip.


9. The luminous jellyfish glowed in the dark waters of the ocean.


10. The artist used luminous paints to create a stunning masterpiece.


11. The luminous watch face made it easy to check the time during the movie.


12. The luminous clouds in the sky signaled an approaching storm.


13. The luminous stars illuminated the path through the dark forest.


14. The scientist studied the properties of luminous materials.


15. The luminous paint on the emergency exit signs helped guide people to safety in the dark.


16. Her luminous personality made her the center of attention at the party.


17. The luminous glow of the fire warmed the room on a cold winter night.


18. The luminous fish in the deep sea emit their own light to attract prey.


19. The luminous display of the fireworks lit up the night sky.


20. The luminous beauty of the sunset took my breath away.


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